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  • Kay Morgan-Gurr

A Prayer....

I read this prayer in Malcolm Duncan's book '40 Days With Jesus'. It's on day 28.

(Yes, I know lent has gone - but it's still a great book to get stuck into!)

The wisdom, understandable theology and insights of the book are life giving, and refreshing to this sponge like soul! I can thoroughly recommend it.

Meanwhile - the prayer:


I want to stand upon the promises of your Word. Help me not to fall into the trap of making your Word say something that it does not. Help me to be robust enough to make sure that what I believe you have said to me is true.

Give me friends and brothers and sisters around me who will help me to discern what it is you are saying to me, to our church, and to the nation in which you have placed us. Then give me the grace to hold on to your promises.

Help me to stand upon the promises you have given to your church, to your people, and to me in your Word. Help me also to stand upon the specific and direct promises that you have made to me and to those I know. Help me not to give up on what you have said because it is delayed in coming or because I have become impatient or tired in waiting. Lord, please grant me faith to keep on trusting in you.

Let the gift of faith change my perspective. Whether I see you or not, remind me you are there. Whether I hear you or not, remind me that you have spoken. Whether your answers are close at hand or far away, help me to seek your face and not just your hand.

Give me the faith to begin praising you now because you never break your promises. Give me childlike joy and expectation once again.

Wash away cynicism and apathy by the power of your Holy Spirit.

Help me to remember that every promise you make will be fulfilled – both good promises and promises of holy judgment. Let that spur me on in my service of you and in my passion to see others won to Christ.

Let the promises of your coming kingdom cause me to live well for you, to engage with my world, and to stand as your ambassador and proclaim the gospel fearlessly.

Shine through us, Lord, that the world might see our good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Grant me faith to endure, faith to proclaim, and faith to serve your purposes this day and every day.


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