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  • Kay Morgan-Gurr

Lots of projects

I've not been on here much - work and life has been busy, but I've made a huge quantity of gift bags (Soon to go on sale for locals) and had a lot of commissions.

I've also been experimenting with these sheep. Very fiddly with so many bobbles, but very effective and extremely cute!

The smallest one sitting in the chair went missing in the post for over a week, but did arrive with her new owner eventually!

I've recently agreed to make ten large critters - than can be 'found

on a farm'. So far we have a 'Calamitous Cow' (Photo to the side) and an almost finished 'Raucous Rat' (Photo to come once finished).

In searching for the patterns for these, I found a great website - and I've bought most of the patterns from there. Most of the ones I got are from a brilliant designer with the user name diba26 (Actual name is Diana Kleiner). The cow is one of her patterns.

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